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Purpose of the Houses:

  1. Strengthen the sense of responsibility of student leaders and build up their initiative in organizing activities
  2. Develop positive attitudes
  3. Create a supportive atmosphere in the school community
  4. Develop students’ leadership skills
  5. Enhance the sense of belonging to the school

Persons Responsible

  1. House advisory teachers
  2. House committee members

Types of Activities

  1. Sports Day
  2. Ball-game competitions (basketball, football, dodge-ball)
  3. Quiz Competition
  4. Board Games Competition
  5. Games Day
  6. House Barbecue Gathering

The four Houses are named after the motto of our school:
Faithfulness, Righteousness, Integrity and Sincerity.

House of Faithfulness

House of Righteousness

House of Integrity

House of Sincerity